San Andres Crude
Gathering System
The San Andres Crude Gathering System is a greenfield crude oil gathering and trunkline pipeline system, which was commissioned in April 2017 and primarily serves wells producing from the San Andres formation in Yoakum County, Texas, and Lea County, New Mexico.
The system provides transportation service from producer well sites to downstream interconnects with Phillips 66, Plains All American and Energy Transfer, providing producers and marketers with access to all major crude markets in West Texas and ensuring flow assurance and premium pricing. The crude gathering system establishes Stakeholder as the leading crude-by-pipe gatherer in the emerging horizontal San Andres play with expansion capabilities not only in Yoakum and Lea, but also Cochran, Andrews and Gaines counties. The crude gathering system is currently comprised of approximately 150 miles of pipeline and 60,000 barrels of storage.