
San Andres Crude 
Gathering System

San Andres Crude Gathering System Map

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The San Andres Crude Gathering System is a greenfield crude oil gathering and trunkline pipeline system, which was commissioned in April 2017 and primarily serves wells producing from the San Andres formation in Yoakum County, Texas, and Lea County, New Mexico. 

The system provides transportation service from producer well sites to downstream interconnects with Phillips 66, Plains All American and Energy Transfer, providing producers and marketers with access to all major crude markets in West Texas and ensuring flow assurance and premium pricing. The crude gathering system establishes Stakeholder as the leading crude-by-pipe gatherer in the emerging horizontal San Andres play with expansion capabilities not only in Yoakum and Lea, but also Cochran, Andrews and Gaines counties. The crude gathering system is currently comprised of approximately 150 miles of pipeline and 60,000 barrels of storage.

Campo Viejo Gas 
Gathering System

Campo Viejo Gas Gathering System Map

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The Campo Viejo Gas Gathering System is a gas gathering, treating and processing system, which was commissioned in late 2018 and is located primarily in Yoakum and Gaines counties in Texas and Lea County, New Mexico. 

The system is currently comprised of approximately 460 miles of low-pressure gathering pipelines and a combined 172,000 Mcfd inlet processing capacity between two facilities, the Campo Viejo Facility located near Plains, Texas, and the 30-30 Facility located near Denver City, Texas. The Stakeholder plants are custom-designed to handle the complexities of the San Andres gas stream, which along with downstream NGL market flexibility and access to premium residue markets, makes Stakeholder the premier gas gathering, treating and processing solution for gas produced from the San Andres formation in the Northwest Shelf. 

CO2 Sequestration 

CO2 System and Sequestration Wells map

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Stakeholders’ sequestration wells are state of the art injections wells capable of permanently sequestering CO2 into the Devonian formation, which is over two miles below the surface and over 10,000 feet below the water table, providing a safe and secure location to permanently sequester CO2.

While each of the three wells were initially designed to support operations at Stakeholder’s gas treating and processing facilities, each well has additional capacity over and beyond Stakeholder’s current needs.

Stakeholder’s incremental capacity along with its proximity to the nexus of some of the most significant CO2 infrastructure in the country will allow it to work with like-minded companies looking for a solution to reduce their carbon intensity.